Press Releases

On January 25, 2018, AMB Endorsed Jelena McWilliams for FDIC Chairman

Attached  are  letters sent by America’s Mutual Bank’s Chairman Chuck Boulier  to Jelena McWilliams and the Senate Banking Committee.  Ms. McWilliams is currently the Chief Legal Officer at Fifth Third Bank and has been nominated by President Trump to be the next Chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.  As indicated in the letters, AMB is pleased that a person with such a high level of experience and knowledge of the industry has been nominated.  AMB strongly supports the nomination of Ms. McWilliams and is hopeful the Senate will render a confirmation promptly.  AMB looks forward to working closely with Ms. McWilliams in her new role as FDIC Chair for the preservation and advancement of mutual savings banks and thrifts.  

Attached are letters sent by America’s Mutual Bank’s Chairman Chuck Boulier to Jelena McWilliams and the Senate Banking Committee. Ms. McWilliams is currently the Chief Legal Officer at Fifth Third Bank and has been nominated by President Trump to be the next Chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. As indicated in the letters, AMB is pleased that a person with such a high level of experience and knowledge of the industry has been nominated. AMB strongly supports the nomination of Ms. McWilliams and is hopeful the Senate will render a confirmation promptly. AMB looks forward to working closely with Ms. McWilliams in her new role as FDIC Chair for the preservation and advancement of mutual savings banks and thrifts.

Letter to Jelena McWillams; Letter to Senators Crapo and Brown

On May 25, 2017, AMB Announced Support For HS. 1284 "The Community Bank Relief Act"

On February 9, 2017, AMB Announced Release of RP Financial Study on Small Bank Holding Companies and the Need to Facilitate Their Growth to Support Main Street Lending.

America’s Mutual Banks Announces Release of RP Financial Study on Small Bank Holding Companies and the Need to Facilitate Their Growth to Support Main Street Lending

2017 RP® Financial, LC. Study

On December 9, 2015, AMB announced support for expanded relief from the small bank holding company capital requirement with an endorsement of H.R. 3791.

America' Mutual Banks Expresses Support for Expanded Relief From the Small Bank Holding Company Capital Requirement With an Endorsement of H.R. 3791

On May 19, 2015, AMB announced it sent a letter of appreciation to Senator Richard Shelby (R. AL), Chairman, and Senator Sherrod Brown(D- OH), Ranking Member, of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Development.


Release of the Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015


On March 25, 2015, AMB Holds Fifth Annual Conference in Washington D.C.- National Experts Address Mutual Issues- Chairman Boulier Says that AMB Stands Resolute in Pursuing its Legislative Agenda


AMB Holds Fifth Annual Conference in Washington D.C.


On January 13, 2014, American's Mutual Banks Announces Election of Officers for 2014-2015 Term.


On January 8, 2014, America's Mutual Banks sends letter to banking agencies seeking relief from the Volcker Rule for mutual banks.


America's Mutual Banks Sends Letter to Banking Agencies Seeking Relief from the Volcker Rule


On January 13, 2013, America’s Mutual Banks announced its executive leadership for 2013.


America’s Mutual Banks Announces Executive Leadership For 2013 

On October 22, 2012, America's Mutual Banks announced that it has filed a lengthy comment letter with the federal banking agencies in connection with the proposed Basel III capital rules.


America's Mutual Banks Comments on the Basel III Proposals Raising Concerns on Their Impact on Mutual Community Banks


On March 22, 2012, America's Mutual Banks announced its support of H.R. 4217 the “Community Mutual Bank Competitive Equality Act.”


America's Mutual Banks Announces Support for Community Mutual Bank Competitive Equality Act


On March 20, 2012, Rep. Michael G. Grimm (R,C-NY) introduced the Mutual Community Bank Competitive Equality Act (H.R. 4217) a bill to preserve and facilitate the growth of mutual community banks.


Rep. Grimm Introduces the Mutual Community Bank Competitive Equality Act


On January 9, 2012, America's Mutual Banks announced the election of its officers for the 2012 term.


America's Mutual Banks Announces Election of Officers for 2012 Term


On October 27, 2011, America’s Mutual banks announced that it has received accreditation from the United Nations to participate in the United Nation’s launch of 2012 “The International Year of Cooperatives”


America's Mutual Banks UN Accreditation for “The International Year of Cooperatives”


On April 7, 2011, a group of leading mutual banking institutions announced the formation of America’s Mutual Banks, a coalition that will serve as an effective voice for mutual banking institutions.